Sunday, May 12, 2013

What I Wore Sunday

On Mother's Day! I love that I am blessed to be able to celebrate this day as a Mother. It's not an easy gig, but it is priceless and worth every cost, every wiped bum, every dirty room, every worry turned to prayer. It is worth a Post-Baby-Body and peanut butter on my clothes. It is worth sticky messes, sticky fingers, and sticky kisses. It is worth crumbs under my table, a broken plate-or two, and the forgotten memory of uninterrupted sleep.

Because what I gain...what I gain is immeasurable. What I learn is invaluable. The love I have is unfathomable.

And so I wrap my arms, and my heart, around my Two Little Loves, my two hearts, and I am thankful. So very thankful. I am blessed to be their Mama.

I asked my son to show Daddy Mama's eyes (because I always tell him he has my eyes)
and this is what we got ;)

I'd like to point out he picked out his own tie. Love it!

 I LOVE this dress..if I could live in it..I just might ;) It is like wearing a long T-shirt. I went a bit more "bronzy" with the make-up.

One of the many facets of being a Mama? Becoming the Human Jungle Jim ;)

For Curious Minds Who May Want to Know:
Dress: Heaven...umm, I mean, BCBG (I think??) (Scored for cheap at marshalls a couple years ago)
Shoes: Yes, I'm wearing them..they just aren't really visible ha!
Necklace: Made by Mom :)

Wishing you all a wonderful (relaxing??) Mother's Day!

I'm off to watch some Dr. Who with the Hunbster while the kiddos are down....I can't believe I'm a Who-Fan. I guess that's what happens when you've been married almost a decade :)

Until next time, Lots of Love!

Linkin up with FLAP and WWIW


  1. That dress is fabulous! I love the braided waistline :)

    1. Thank you so much! That's one of my fav details too :)

  2. These pictures of you and the babes are sooo cute!! And we snuggled up and watched Doctor Who last night! We're full on 'Whovians' in our house too, even the kids love it! :)

    High Heels and Training Wheels

    1. Thank you! The kids make the pictures way better ha! And nice to meet someone else from Whoville..I've just recently moved into town ;)

  3. I agree with you, that dress is great!! And those last two pictures, adorable!

  4. These pictures are too sweet.. you have a great looking children there. Love the blue maxi, suits you really well


  5. Just gorgeous! LOVE the dress!!!
